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"The power to forgive is one of the greatest powers given to human. Forgive and you rise above the pettiness of mortals."

Calcium Rich Recipes

Shingada (Singoda) Flour Ladoo.

English Name: Water Chestnut Flour
Usage: Used to make Fasting foo primarily. Also high in calcium.

1/4 Cup Ghee
1/2 Cup Shinghada Flour
1/2 Cup Sugar
1/2 tsp Cardamom Powder
1 tbsp karik (dry dates) powder
1 tbsp dry coconut powder (roasted)

In a Wok heat 1/4 cup ghee. Add Singhada flour and cook for 5 - 7 minuts at low flame. Add coconut powder and dry dates powder. Saute for 1-2 min and remove from heat.
Add sugar and cardamom powder while the flour is hot. Mix well and immediately mae 1 inch laddu out of the misture